This site will be solely dedicated to all things of an Empathic nature. Since I am learning new things about my Empathic gifts every day, I will be sharing any articles, information & my own personal views on this subject as much as I can. If you find any information that you would like to share on being Empathic, I would love to add it here for others to read.
Some may be asking, exactly what is an Empath?
From what I have heard, the term really hasn't been around for too many years, so I don't believe it's really been understood that far in depth. I have a few links to some pages here I will share where others have grasped some of it's meaning and have offered some pretty good explanations & exercises for an Empath to understand and grow their abilities. For the moment though, a simple explanation would be that an Empath can sense the feelings of others on a much more sensitive scale than most people. They can overwhelmingly feel the emotions and pain of others as if they were themselves that person experiencing it. They can feel emotionally & physically overwhelmed in crowds. They can feel as if the weight of the World is crashing down on them and at times this can cause some serious Depression problems. In the upcoming months, I will be adding more information to this page. Things to think and talk about as well. I hope that you will find this page informing as you dig more in depth yourself in being or becoming an Empath.
Types of Psychic Abilities other than Empathic
REMOTE VIEWING...This is the ability to see, hear or feel target locations unknown to the viewer. This was established by the military and they wished to differentiate it from the label of 'psychic' because it followed strict protocols and the target was often blind (meaning unknown). Ịt can involve all of the psychic senses and is associated with the term bi-location which means the viewer can actually experience a hyper reality, as if they were there on location with the target. Some advanced viewers have even claimed that they can interact with the target, such as swimming in a lake, having aperson (dead or alive) and so on.
PSYCHOMETRY...This is the technique used by psychics by which they pick up energy patterns from a physical object. We have our own electromagnetic properties and can leave these impressions, like fingerprints, on objects. A psychic using this technique will have subtle enough sensitivity to pick up those energy fields. This is why psychics like to use objects that were a "favorite" of the person in question, like a hat, ring, or something that only they generally touched. When other people touch objects, they too leave behind their energy imprint which can dilute the reading. Another example of psychometry are people who use Tarot cards or other tools of divination. They place their hands on the cards, and let the subconscious mind send energy signals back through the hand. This is not to be confused with electrokinesis which is the ability to produce and expel electricity from our own body.
TELEKINESIS (or Psychokinesis)...This is the ability to move objects without physical intervention. This is a very rare ability and even the greats of this ability are questioned in terms of authenticity. One of those people is Uri Geller, a world renowned spoon bender. To the disbelief of skeptics though, he's shown that he can bend metal objects, such as spoons and forks, from great distances and in several locations. And even more strange, is that people who are near him or can hear him while he does his bending can have this ability temporarily.
CLAIRAUDIENCE...This is the ability to hear things that are outside the normal hearing range. This can be persons who have passed on or a spirit guide. A famous Clairaudient is John Edwards.
CLAIRSENTIENCE...This is the ability to receive impression that are more feeling in nature. Psychics associated with this ability are called empaths because they can feel the emotions of others.
CLAIRVOYANCE ...A person with this type of ability can see things not apparent to others, like receiving a vision of events or a visual impression about a person. This ability is often combined with others and is the most common.
About Me
My name is Diana Nelson and I am Empathic. I have the Facebook page "All Psychics Unite" (Click on my pic)where everyone in the Paranormal Field can come together. Thanks to my wonderful boyfriend Rev. Wayne S. Pierce, I have come a long way in understanding and accepting my Empathic gifts. With this page, I hope to bring others closer to those with the same amazing gifts to share our knowledge and understanding.