Journey to my Higher-Self

I'm a Empathic Psychic that's recently discovered he had abilities. 
My journey has just begun I hope you join me as I share my never ending experiences 

(Check out the full Blog in the link above)
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Click Pics to Enlarge
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~Empath Connection ~ Are you Psychic~

This group is for anyone who believes they may have psychic abilities, 

we are all born with them but tend to lose them as we get older, 

re-discover your psychic abilities here!

Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empath capacity.

Empaths have the ability to scan another's psyche for thoughts and feelings or for past, present, and future life occurrences. Many empaths are unaware of how this actually works, and have long accepted that they were sensitive to others. link above
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Empathy and The 

Highly Sensitive Person


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I am the calm in the eye of your storm

~My Vision~To assist those who seek balance, integration and

understanding of themselves and to be at peace with their mind,

body and Spirit. With this you can be the person you want. . . to 

be at your fullest potential and be as happy every day, just being 


( the link above)

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Poetry of Empathic Psychic Medium Beth Layne

  For Love or Karma

Confess to me your undying love -
For all these years I have waited;
When will you finally speak truth?
For so long you have debated.

And what day can I plan on
To be finally free of this pain?
To hear those words, I beg you,
Before this aging mind is insane!

Is it, then, you don't feel it?
Do my own senses only deceive?
I know this with all of my being -
What is it, my love, you believe?

An entire lifetime of hiding -
The truth lying deep inside;
Ever waiting for its release -
Still, my love, you hide.

And this dance of circumstance,
How many lifetimes to end?
Speak the words! Shout aloud!
Let our hearts finally mend!

What is it you think I ask,
That sends you to this state?
Healing words that beg for mercy -
Speak before it is too late!

Before in this web we are tied,
And for karma we must return -
This lesson I wish to master now
Let not our hearts further burn. 
(More Poetry in Link above)
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(Book For Purchase)

Grounding & Centering Steps Now Downloadable as MP3

Earlier this year, I released a free audio for clearing, cleansing, and balancing chakras. It is such a popular favorite that I decided to make it downloadable so it can be played on MP3 players and taken with you. Energy-sensitive people will find this resource helpful for staying emotionally balanced and grounded when faced with the energy of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of those around them.

Prepare to establish the color of the grounding cord you desire and the length of minutes you would like to have the golden sunlight flow in your aura. Two to five minutes is recommended for beginners.

(Cont...on link above...)

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Where The Empathic Mind Expands


Inquisitive thought inspired by the stop of time
Long lost meaning bleeding through the pages line by line
The ink gives structure to an otherwise confusing reality,
Drawing blood from the perception of mortality while
Simultaneously existing in a world fixed in duality.

An angel smiles at the dawning of the day
A voiceless whisper illuminates me back to guide my way
Her crystal tears wash away yesterdays sin
Sweeps it up in in the soft and gentle hands of the wind,
Never Again to reflected on the face of my kin.

Purple highlights entangles in a blaze of orange glow
Minute by minute, second by second I began to let go
Echoes of a dream reflected in her shine
Line by line Illustrated in this painted rhyme

Moment by moment the constellations began to die
Your song the hymn as the stars start to cry
A vision of light rips realities seam
A path illuminated by a crystal beam
Shows me the way back from this dream

Ever so slowly I began to understand
Your voice was the light that took me by the hand
Twisting my perception you continuously call me home
Behind the restrictions of life that have become overgrown
Reminding me always... your never alone. 

More Blogs Cont....on Website link above...

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Psychic Empath
All things related to empathy, psychic ability, spirituality, and ascension
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 Welcome to Empath Zone
Hi and welcome.
 This is a community for empaths and love-energy workers.
Of course, ask questions in the forum as you wish. There is a loving group gathered here, willing to help and learn from each other.
I´m also very proud to announce that the Empath Zone Store is up and running, it aims to be a place where our particular needs are taken cared of.

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What is an Empath?

An Empath is a person who was born with unique variations in the central nervous system. This means how the brain is configured and how the nervous system works in the body. This has not yet been studied and quantified by science. Instead it is being brought forth by individuals who are becoming self-aware of these qualities and who explore this experience through creative and intuitive outlets.
More in above link...
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Learning that I was an Empath

(with other Clairvoyant experiences)

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Asking a person how they know they are psychic can be a bit like asking someone how they knew they were in love the first time.  The answers are elusive and tend to be different for everyone.  Throw in the fact that many people who possess the less well known psychic gifts have no idea they even are psychic and getting answers becomes the impossible challenge.

So, rather than focusing on how someone knows if they are clairsentient or telekinetic - because, obviously, you know if you know things without explanation or can make things across the room move with only the power of your mind - let us turn our attention to those less Hollywood hyped abilities and first focus on some of the basic ways to know if you're an Empath.

More in the link above...

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(An Article on the site  Prime Divinity)
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What is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empath capacity.

Empaths have the ability to scan another's psyche for thoughts and feelings or for past, present, and future life occurrences. Many empaths are unaware of how this actually works, and have long accepted that they were sensitive to others.
Read more at above link...

Welcome to this very informal group of the wide-awake inwardly, also known as EMPATHS.

Anonymously connect with people who share your experiences-- like those who say 'I Am An Empath'. Read hundreds of true stories, share your own story anonymously, get feedback and comments, chat in the discussion forum, help others, meet new friends, and so much more-- all free. Sign up takes just seconds, so join us today!


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NOTE: This website is still under construction. 

New bits are being created and bugs worked out.

I’ll let you know when all is live!

And welcome to those of you who aren’t even sure yet whether you’re an empath or not. Maybe you aren’t even sure what is really meant by the term “empath.”
I have built — and maintain — this website to be of service to all of you. 
– Rose Rosetree
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"A Community for all Empaths Around the World"

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This site is broken up into chapters about being an Empath which include:

 *How to handle being an Empath, Part one, major points to know
*Your Emotional state, part two
*The Dark side and relationship issues, part three
*Dealing with being an Empath Some practical lessons
*Why we are given the gift of empathy, additional article
*Relationships the pitfalls and how to keep it alive related article

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Here is the article for what is an Empath above link for more articles on the site

What is an Empath?
A psychic empath or sensitive is a person who can Feel the emotions around us. This ability can be both a gift and a curse and we learn early that there is a time and place to buffer what comes at us.

Empaths can feel the energy and emotions that surround you and can include your guides, spirits influencing you, issues in your life and your fears. Empaths are highly sensitive, and while we can't tell you how to make a fortune

playing partypoker, we are able to advice on issues from finance to fears which can lead to improved decision making. An empath with experience can feel the energy around you and interpret it so that it makes sense to you.

This gift means that we are subject not only to our own emotions, but those we are reading or live with or work with...until an empath learns to shield herself.  Not always a pleasant gift, nonetheless one that serves us well over the course of our lives. Often, it is this ability that tells us when a loved one could use a shoulder or a friend is scared. Its benefits far outweigh any negatives.  As with all types of psychic ability,  a sensitive's gifts are not without responsibility both to themselves and others.

Empathic people are particularly good at feeling the "unseen" emotions around you.  In other words, the feelings of spirits or guides or angels around you are felt by empaths and therefore spirit readings by sensitives are particularly accurate.  A psychic empath can feel the emotions pushing at you from your guides and spirits and can focus in on the issues that may be surfacing.  
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Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life” 
Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick and thin, they’re there for you, world-class nurturers...Continued in above link.
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6th Sense Connection: 
Psychic Information Forum
(A place for empaths to meet, exchange ideas and make friends.)

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Archive for the ‘Empath’ Category 

(Links to Empathic information from a Wordpress Blog)

Having a sensitive nature goes hand in hand with personal awareness and keying in to what is happening within your body and mind. Being empathic is a wonderful gift that offers healers the opportunity to better understand pain their clients are suffering with. But for sensitive individuals who are unwittingly soaking up ills and hurts that don't belong to them from the people in their surroundings, it is best to learn how to avoid taking on others symptoms and illnesses. Read more at the above link...
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16 Traits Of An Empath
Here 16 common traits of an Empath.
Remember that these are generalisations and they may not always be obvious.
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If you’re an empath and work in an environment with other people, then this article is for you!
Also includes the following links I will put here:

 Are you an Empath?

I'm an what?

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In this place we will explore the actual language of Empathy in all of its many forms. We will look at Empathic Counseling scenarios to learn how to analyze what lays beneath a person's words through the use of metaphor, symbolism and the co-mingling of your perspective and the other person's. And we will explore the idea of Emotional Intelligence, and what it really means to an Empath.
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*Traits of an Empath           
*How to and What Not to Do Guide for Empaths
*10 Levels of Empath        
*Learning How to Function within Sensitivity
*About Author                   
*Stages of Integration
*Empaths Whats Possible   
*Who is an Empath           
*My Story

(Another great site for Empathic Information)
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Information on what is Empathy, how Empathy works, the different types of Empaths, 16 traits of an Empath, how to cope with Spiritually-based Hypersensitivity, Intuition & Divine Guidance, as well as many more links for Psychic Ability.
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Resources & Coping Skills for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People
Intuitive empath coach
Dr. Michael R. Smith 
This site offers some information with a few videos and several Empathic books for sale including:

The Complete Empath Toolkit features 234 pages of information and tools, along with 8 hours of digital audio instruction and a free seminar invitation.

Navigating 2012: Thriving in Earth's New Age is the first book for empaths written about these exciting spiritual times. Learn how to stay grounded and thriving when times get tough.
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Here is an article on Understanding Empathy
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Here is another site I found while searching the web about "What is an Empath?" Elise Lebeau shares her insight on what an Empath is and offers additional information. On this site, she shares her own story about what it is like to be an Empath.
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I recently found this online community especially for Empaths to come together and share information and experiences with other Empaths like ourselves. This site lets you create your own page and tell others about yourself. There are loads of resources on this site. it's well worth joining.
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I found this online course a few months back and I'm working my way through it. I find it's a wonderful program that tells you in depth about Empathic ability. I recommend this to anyone who wants more information, enhance their abilities and learn more about themselves.
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